8 Myths of Life Insurance Settlement – Debunked!


We’ve all heard of life insurance settlements by now – and have probably attended a presentation or two.  But have you been able to turn that information into opportunities for both you and your clients?  Of the 500,000 seniors a year whose life insurance policies will lapse, and millions more that will surrender their policies – way too many are walking away with little or nothing.  This presentation will not only show when life insurance settlements can make sense, but highlight case studies, including some unusual and surprising life settlements – that worked for the client, and advisor.  In addition, the presentation will address common misperceptions surrounding life insurance settlements – and the realities of the market.

(Purchase of this product will include a Video recording, an Audio recording, and a PDF of the Presentation.)

Presented by Lisa Rehburg

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We’ve all heard of life insurance settlements by now – and have probably attended a presentation or two.  But have you been able to turn that information into opportunities for both you and your clients?  Of the 500,000 seniors a year whose life insurance policies will lapse, and millions more that will surrender their policies – way too many are walking away with little or nothing.  This presentation will not only show when life insurance settlements can make sense, but highlight case studies, including some unusual and surprising life settlements – that worked for the client, and advisor.  In addition, the presentation will address common misperceptions surrounding life insurance settlements – and the realities of the market.

(Purchase of this product will include a Video recording, an Audio recording, and a PDF of the Presentation.)

Presented by Lisa Rehburg