The Keys to Moving People from Suspect to Prospect… Then Client and Larger Client


Most advisors have access to the same strategies and products for the same tax laws – so why is it that there are so few that are able to work with ultra-high net worth clients? What does it really take to cause large engagements? We often hear “If I just had more technical knowledge, I could close bigger cases.” Industry veterans Simon and Don know your technical ability is only your ticket into the game, not what causes HNW engagements. In fact, the client has no idea how to judge your technical ability – but they will certainly sense when an advisor lacks confidence. Join us for this insightful conversation about “what it’s really about.” Learn tricks of the trade including how to set the stage, seek and vet the collaborative team of professional advisors, asking questions and then more questions, having something they want (not just need), and ultimately a plan for timing, combining, and sequencing of strategies.

(Purchase of this product will include a Video recording, an Audio recording, and a PDF of the Presentation.)

Presented by Simon Singer and Don Settina

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Most advisors have access to the same strategies and products for the same tax laws – so why is it that there are so few that are able to work with ultra-high net worth clients? What does it really take to cause large engagements? We often hear “If I just had more technical knowledge, I could close bigger cases.” Industry veterans Simon and Don know your technical ability is only your ticket into the game, not what causes HNW engagements. In fact, the client has no idea how to judge your technical ability – but they will certainly sense when an advisor lacks confidence. Join us for this insightful conversation about “what it’s really about.” Learn tricks of the trade including how to set the stage, seek and vet the collaborative team of professional advisors, asking questions and then more questions, having something they want (not just need), and ultimately a plan for timing, combining, and sequencing of strategies.

(Purchase of this product will include a Video recording, an Audio recording, and a PDF of the Presentation.)

Presented by Simon Singer and Don Settina