Should You Learn it, Hire it, Buy it, or Partner it?


Determining your role in business succession planning, and then clearly conveying that to your referral sources, prospects, and current clients is the key to solidifying engagements and long-lasting relationships.  But given your clients’ complexity of needs, what professional gaps do you need filled to find/engage these clients, maintain your role, and be successful? Shelley will help you narrow the playing field and gain some valuable language and tools about Advanced Tax Planning and Value Acceleration work (utilizing the Law Firm of Strazzeri Mancini and The Founders Group, respectively) as well as obtain access to an online tool for you and your team to take a frank look at your practice, compare notes, and decide how to Elevate Your A-Game.

(Purchase of this product will include a Video recording, an Audio recording, and a PDF of the Presentation.)

Presented by Shelley Lightfoot

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Determining your role in business succession planning, and then clearly conveying that to your referral sources, prospects, and current clients is the key to solidifying engagements and long-lasting relationships.  But given your clients’ complexity of needs, what professional gaps do you need filled to find/engage these clients, maintain your role, and be successful? Shelley will help you narrow the playing field and gain some valuable language and tools about Advanced Tax Planning and Value Acceleration work (utilizing the Law Firm of Strazzeri Mancini and The Founders Group, respectively) as well as obtain access to an online tool for you and your team to take a frank look at your practice, compare notes, and decide how to Elevate Your A-Game.

(Purchase of this product will include a Video recording, an Audio recording, and a PDF of the Presentation.)

Presented by Shelley Lightfoot